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Prepare for potential winter bills – £500 loan

March 1, 2018 Lifestyle

We’re now in the midst of the Beast from the East, with some needing £500 loan to pay bills. The fierce blizzard isn’t going to be tamed any time soon. Parts of the UK are now layered in two feet of snow, and some of us are at risk of power cuts. If the worst case scenario happens and you’re hit with a power cut, here are some tips.

Get yourself a torch

If you already have a torch, make sure it’s powerful enough to guide yourself around the house. Wind up dynamo torches are great, and you can also purchase lights which switch on if a power cut occurs.

Stock up on Candles

A cheap alternative but very effective. Make sure the candles are placed in safe locations and away from any children.

Glow Sticks

Yes, glow sticks aren’t just for raves. They’re a great way to produce light when needed without the dangers of setting anything on fire.

Emergency gas hobs with £500 loan

Getting a power cut in the middle of a blizzard can be a pretty bleak and demoralising situation. The best remedy for this, is hot drinks and food. Make sure you stock up on a gas hob for emergency situations. Then, hot food and drinks can be served and morale can be boosted whilst the power is being restored by your energy supplier.

Battery powered mobile charges

Keeping in contact with loved ones and your energy supplier is vital. You may find your mobile low on battery when the power cut occurs with no way to charge it. Make sure you have a couple of battery plugins for your mobile. Also, switch off your 3G to save your battery for important phone calls.

Store the right foods

Tinned food may not be the most appetising of foods, but they have a long shelf-life. They are perfect for power cuts and in some instances, it could save lives. Make sure you stock up on tinned food, enough to feed you and your family for a couple of days.

Eat from the fridge first – £500 to fill fridge

Before opening your freezer, eat the remaining food from your fridge before it expires. Some foods in the fridge won’t last long, due to the power cut. However, you can always use the cold weather to your advantage and place foods in the snow.

£500 loan over 12 months

If you’ve experienced a power cut, or a boiler break down this winter, and need some financial help, Pixieloans can provide assistance. Below, you can apply for a £500 loan over 12 months, and potentially have the funds in your account today.


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